School News > School News > Lower School
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After a successful Sports Camp last year, we are delighted to inform you that camp will run again this summer for St Catherine's Lower and Upper Schoo… More...

We are delighted that St. Catherine's British School will be once again offering its Summer School programme this year! It will run from Monday 4th Ju… More...

School is out for summer! Dance Camp is starting! New Dance Camp starting this summer across the whole school! It is going to be fabulous! More...

A fabulous effort from all our Lower School students! Well done to everyone who participated in the competition and congratulations to the all the win… More...

Our little ones touring the Lower School

Welcome Back to School. You are precisely where you need to be at this time, in this place! Have a great year! More...

The end of term saw many celebrations of 'farewell'  in the classrooms and around the school for our long serving staff retiring this year. We wish th… More...

The Lower School World Art Week was celebrated with all the students creating amazing art works! More...

This week "Mhdeia" made its way through St Catherine's and filled both our Lower and Upper School premises with snow. Enjoy the photos and videos! More...

St Catherine's joined the global community to support of the Children's Mental Health Week, and this year's theme was Express Yourself. Thank you to a… More...

Today marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying and we celebrate Odd Socks Day More...

We may not be able to all celebrate together at our annual Halloween Party, but nothing is going to stop us from getting into the spirit! More...

Top tips by Lower School to support your child's reading at home More...

Forest School Outside Learning

Forest School is an inspirational holistic process that offers learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem. More...

We have started the new pupil admissions process for the 2021-2022 academic year and are inviting applications from families seeking admission to the … More...

This week we were thrilled to see all our students back in the Lower and Upper Schools More...

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